Thursday, December 11, 2008


I had never seen a horse shiver before. Im not sure if it was because of the cold or because he was scared, but poor Manasseh was shivering. Once Splash showed him he would not die from this white stuff though he seemed fine. They were running and rolling in it.
Actually, you cant see it , but Steve is down by the trees . Manasseh was making sure he was ok.

Up to thier bellies. Two cold hotdogs.

Leader of the pack

So pretty

Snow in South Mississippi

out back

6 to 7 inches

the beginning

Making snowballs. This was so funny. Buck would roll the snow into balls then toss them and chase them...... so cute.

2 cold ponys

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

You need to read this post

Not mine but Beth Moores. Go to then check out her blog for today.
I have a dear friend who is "in over her head" . Please , if you read this, pray for Melody Beezley and her family. They are all going through a very tough time right now.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

51 and finally here!

Dreams really do come true

Do you like my shoes?

A Happy family...or is it goofy?

Cameron is the fairest of them all

Ok Dad, I know you've got to have some more money in here somewhere!

No more dogs! you cannot come home with me!

When you wish upon a star

Merry Christmas?

Yes I am Belle!

The cutest Minny!


Look at Me Im with Mary Poppins

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sorry you cant be here

Wish you guys could be here ya' is good!

November at my house

This blog is mainly for my family in Texas. For all of ya'll who never responded to my in-vite for Thanksgiving, Im assuming you are not coming..thats everyone except Tricia and Mom.

Here is just a little of what you guys are missing by not coming here.
Happy Thanksgiving to All!!!!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Day Before

Tomorrow is a very important day in our nation. 24 hours from now dont be the one to say " oops I forgot to go vote"!
No matter who you choose, your right to vote is your GREAT right. Dont allow anyone to take away your rights given to us under our constitution and dont take those rights lightly. Men and women have died for you to have and keep these rights.
If you have not already voted in this election, get out tomorrow and choose . VOTE

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Rachel and Justin have a blog

Rachel and Justin Brightbill now have a blog as too. Check it out. For those of you who dont know , Rachel is my daughter, Justin is our son-in law

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Die to Self

This morning while reading in our Bible Study Priscilla asked the question
"What things is God asking you to set aside to follow Him more closely?"
My answer was " my selfishness and selfconsiousness..self self self self self!
After I finished todays study I was reading in the Psalms a song sung at Passover when out of the blue Fiddler on the Roof came to my mind.
Now I havent seen Fiddler on the Roof in years and wasnt sure what made me think of it.
I was reminded of the song they sang around the table on the Sabboth...
"May they be like Ruth and like Esther, may they be deserving of praise....."
So I thought to myself, what did Ruth and Esther do and I went through thier stories in my mind
Well, they went here, they did that etc..... then it hit me....
They died to self!
(Im so glad God understands how my mind works better than I do.)
They stopped thinking about thier own desires and put God and others ahead of themselves.
May we be like Ruth and like Esther, May we be deserving of praise!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fall Study 2008

Here are a couple of pictures of the Fall Ladies Lunch Time Bible Study

On the back row is Beverly, Betty, Charity, Ginny/ or me depending on the picture

On the front row is Susan, Wendy and Joy.

I know I am really enjoying this study because we have time to talk some after the DVD.

How about ya'll ?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lots of stuff coming up

Check out Three Fold Ministries blog for updates on events coming up. These are ministry opportunities that anyone can participate in. Just keep in mind that if you want to come with us to the prison you have to get on the approved list. That process takes about 2 weeks so plan ahead.
Our ladies Bible study is going well. I hope to get a picture of all of us the next time we meet.
Dont let me forget!!!!!!!!!!!

1 John 1:4-5

( part 2 ) part 1 is on Threefolds blog
And these things we write, so that our joy may be made complete. And this is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.

For those who live way up north winters are very long and much time is spent in doors. When people are forced to be inside, without the sun, they tend to get down and depressed. A little "sun therapy" can bring some joy back into their lives.
While going through a difficult time in my life I found that going to a tanning bed seemed to brighten my day.
We are drawn to light. Can you imagine what joy and peace we will feel in heaven! No darkness at all, only light. And the light IS Jesus.

Many are saying "who will show us any good?" Lift up the light of thy countenance upon us, O Lord! Thou hast put gladness in my heart...In peace I will both lie down and sleep, For thou alone, O lord, dost make me to dwell in safety. Ps. 4:6-8

Jesus said.." I am the light of the world, he who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

Life and light are both found in Jesus

Monday, September 15, 2008

ok... one more

More from Birmingham

Hope ya'll dont mind but I have more pictures to share. We just had such a great time!

Oh and I did forget to mention Ryans awesome smoked chicken! Thank you it was great!