Friday, February 20, 2009


What is the deal?
I live out , way out, in the country. No one just "drops by" and even those who have been here on purpose, cant remember how they got here so they have to call before coming for directions...again.
So, how is it that everyone in the world ( a slight exaggeration) seems to know when I am home alone and about to take a bath or shower?
It never fails. steve will be gone, I will decide to get in the shower, and just as I have lathered up my hair, all 7 of my dogs go nuts barking as if the boogie man has appeared in the yard.
9 times out of ten I will quickly rinse off and dress only to find it was nothing at all. Maybe a truck going down the road or a squirrel in a tree.
Occationally it will be the ups man, the mail man with a box too big for the mailbox or a hunter driving up my neighbors property. ( I use the word "neighbor lightly since the closest house to me is a mile down the road. )
Oh well.....
it is a reminder that its not all about me, and life doesnt always turn out as we plan.
The good news is though, God is in control, and His plans are better than ours.
There have been times this has happened and though Im upset about having to cut my shower short, there is a pleasant surprise package waiting for me. Or purhaps I think its nothing, only to find later that a sray dog or cat has wondered on the property in need of attention.
And then some times I never see the reason for the disruption to MY plans.

But God has made everything appropriate in its time.

Jer. 29:11-13 For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans for your welfare not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. and you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.

The disruptions in our lives can be looked at as an opportunity....a time to step back and take a closer look, at ourselves, and sometimes beyond ourselves. God has a plan for all our lives, it might just be a bigger plan than you think.

Monday, February 9, 2009

what a difference a day makes

Day 3---A huge amount of the puffiness is gone and my skin looks softer.
Day 1 the redness is gone and some of the puffiness

Before picture at Rachels

I wish you could see these better. Im doing my own before and after photots for a new skin care product I found. After seeing this photo sitting on Rachels sofa in Washington that Hunter took I was totally grossed out! I had thought I actually looked pretty good that day. But look how red my skin is and how puffy my eyes are!!!! OOOOO!
Some other pictures of me at home for new years and christmas showed the same rough dry red skin and super puffy eyes. I had some close ups of my eyes but my camera batteries died. After seeing these pictures I started looking for a new skin care line. I had been using oil of olay, and before that I had used Beauty Control. The beauty control was good but expensive!
I began googling product lines and trying to find an inexpensive line that had antioxidants and something to reduce the redness and will never guess where I found it...HSN.
Never in my life would I have thought to look there. I dont watch much tv except the food network and hgtv. But I saw this and since they had a 30 day money back guaruntee I decided to try it. So far so good!!!! Right away the redness has gone away and slowly my eyes are loosing some of thier puffiness. I will always have some since I have such bad allergies and Im 51 so yes I have wrinkles! This product has grapeseed extract and aloe along with some other stuff. I love the smell too!. The price was great. Just $44.00 for a cleanser, eye cream, wrinkle cream, moisturizer and hand cream. Amazing hu? considering Oil of Olay is 25.00 just for one day cream. The product is by M. Asam, a german company, and the product line Im using is the " all you will ever need" Check it out!