I have made the commitment to memorize scripture this year with the siestas.
This is a group of women who blog with Beth Moore on her LPM blog. We have to memorize and log into the blog twice a month, the 1st and 15th with a new verse that we choose to memorize. I'm doing this just for myself, but decided to include it in my blog so that I will attempt to have some accountability...even if it is only to my cyber self.
Jan 1st 2011
I chose 2nd Corinthians 2:8
Wherefore I urge you to reaffirm your love for him. (nas)
The beginning of the new year is a good time to renew our love for all people.
For me, I need to reaffirm my love for my husband who loves me dearly.
Not that I don't love him, I do, very much, but sometimes I don't show it.
I also need to reaffirm my love for Jesus, my savior, the one who loves me unconditionally.
Not that I don't love Him, I do, but sometimes I don't show it.
Jn. 14:15 If you love me you will keep my commandments.
Ps. 119:165 Those who love thy law have great peace and nothing causes them to stumble
How do we show our love for Christ?
We keep His commandments. It is not out of drudgery, or because I have to, but because of love.
My love for Him and my love for His commands.
His law brings peace and is itself, wisdom.
Proverbs 8:34-35 Blessed is the man who listens to me (wisdom) watching daily at my gates, waiting at my doorpost. For he who finds me (wisdom) finds life, and obtains favor from the Lord.
2nd Corinthians was written by Paul to the Corinthians asking them to forgive a brother and reaffirm their love for him. This brother had caused problems and division in the church in Corinth. Paul was urging the other believers to forgive him, and move on.
The reason he gave for this was to restore their joy and Paul's and 2nd to help this man so that he would no longer be burdened with the guilt of what he had done. (dividing the church) and 3rd to keep satan from having another opportunity to cause more mischief in the body of Christ. ( the message)
In my own personal life I see this year as a time to "move on"
I forgave the offender many years ago but he continues to cause problems for me and my family. Perhaps out of guilt for what he did, or not wanting to accept responsibility for what he did.
Whatever his reasons for continuing as he does, it is time to let go of my own rights and let God deal with this man as He see's fit. And also, to allow the Lord to work in our lives ( mine and Steve's) without this added trouble. Perhaps God will bless us beyond all we can imagine if we will take that step of faith.
My prayer is for wisdom, patience, and guidance.
For Steve to agree with me on this decision because he will be responsible for picking up the slack financially.
And for God's blessings for doing what seems at this time to be the thing to do..
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