Friday, February 25, 2011

Today is a special Day

I am very fortunate to be a part of a small group of believers.  We meet every Sunday morning in a local hotel for a time of Bible Study and great discussion
We started out about 2 yrs ago now, with about 4 to 6 people.  Over time the group has grown and evolved into a group of about 10 to 12 who are loving studying Gods word and striving to apply His truths to our lives..
Our group as a whole is not a part of any one local Church. We are all from different denominations and walks of life.
We start at about 9am and sometimes don't end until noon.  We stay as long as it takes to read, and discuss the scripture for that day (we are currently going through the book of Acts) and then we share our lives with each other and pray for needs. 
We are involved in each others lives.
We don't go out to eat with each other all the time or call each other every day, but we know whats going on in each others lives, and we care.

Tonight is a special night.  One of our own is being honored at a special dinner and we are all going to stand with him and confirm him!  Today marks his 1 year anniversary of being sober.
He has struggled with alcoholism for many many years.  But as he has given his life to Christ, and with the help and support of friends, family and AA, he is a new creation.
Ken, we are so proud of you, and we, along with you, give God all the glory!

Philippians 2:1-2
If there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Phil. 2:3

Frustration -  someone is not doing what he promised

My schedule - Its not happening when I want it to

I want it done and I want it done NOW!

But wait, where is he?

What is he doing?

Is he sick, old and tired?
I don't know, I haven't cared.

I should care.  Care enough to pray for him.  Care enough to want what is best for him and not me.

Let God work all this out in His timing and He will get all the glory.!.........
and I wont look like a thoughtless nag. 

Do Nothing from selfishness or empty conceit.  But with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Feb 22nd

Siesta memory verse for Feb 15th.    
Phil. 2:3
Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself.

I just returned from spending 10 glorious days in Baltimore babysitting my adorable grandson Gareth!  OH! I had sooooo much fun!

 He loves his Gigi and his Gigi loves him!
 I was reminded of my younger days, raising 3 little ones.  My world revolved around them.  My actions, motives, all for them and what Jesus would have me do in their regard.
I was reminded of how "not" to be selfish.  It has been easy to fall into the selfish mode after my children grew up and moved out.  Having a wonderful husband who cares for me hasn't helped. (Not that I would want that to change)
But I was happy serving Gareth.  Im alwasy happy taking care of someone else who needs me.
I have a good life!
God has blessed me!
Im going to try my best to not complain.  I was never in the past been a negative complainer.
I need to find the balance between standing firm on what I believe the Lord has called me to and not sounding negative
Things I dont want to forget about my trip:
  1. How he rolled on his belly looking at me through the slats in his crib, and blew me a kiss good night.
  2. holding him, rocking him while he had a stuffy nose at night.
  3. His laugh
  4. How he says Gigi in a whisper
  5. The dancing to Nickjr
  6. How he said his prayers at night
  7. snuggling- he would play with my hair
  8. The trip to TCBY
  9. Bath time- the ducky would "get him" and he would laugh so hard!.
  10. Hugging my neck while playing chase and whispering in his little language "I luv you gigi"
Thank you Jesus for my grandson.  Bless him, may he be a man who loves you and desires above all else to serve You.  amen

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Feb 1st 2011

Siesta Memory Verse #3

I was going to choose Zech. 4:6 ....not by might nor by power, but by my spirit says the Lord of hosts.

But really I already knew that one. I just didn't remember the reference. So instead, I have chosen Nahum 1:7
The Lord is good,
A stronghold in the day of trouble
and He knows those who take refuge in Him.

He knows us!
It was that truth that first brought me to Him.
When my Sunday school teacher, Mrs. Minor, told me about the Good Shepherd. She told me He loves me, He knows me, He calls me by name. He knows even how many hairs are on my head, and He cares!
Even at the young age of 6, I wanted a savior like that!
I wanted Jesus. I wanted to be a sheep in His fold.
He has never let me down.
He has never turned His back on me or let me wander too far.
He gently leads me, sometimes with a whisper, sometimes with His staff.

I need thee, oh I need thee, every hour I need thee. Oh bless me now my savior, I come to thee.