Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Feb 22nd

Siesta memory verse for Feb 15th.    
Phil. 2:3
Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself.

I just returned from spending 10 glorious days in Baltimore babysitting my adorable grandson Gareth!  OH! I had sooooo much fun!

 He loves his Gigi and his Gigi loves him!
 I was reminded of my younger days, raising 3 little ones.  My world revolved around them.  My actions, motives, all for them and what Jesus would have me do in their regard.
I was reminded of how "not" to be selfish.  It has been easy to fall into the selfish mode after my children grew up and moved out.  Having a wonderful husband who cares for me hasn't helped. (Not that I would want that to change)
But I was happy serving Gareth.  Im alwasy happy taking care of someone else who needs me.
I have a good life!
God has blessed me!
Im going to try my best to not complain.  I was never in the past been a negative complainer.
I need to find the balance between standing firm on what I believe the Lord has called me to and not sounding negative
Things I dont want to forget about my trip:
  1. How he rolled on his belly looking at me through the slats in his crib, and blew me a kiss good night.
  2. holding him, rocking him while he had a stuffy nose at night.
  3. His laugh
  4. How he says Gigi in a whisper
  5. The dancing to Nickjr
  6. How he said his prayers at night
  7. snuggling- he would play with my hair
  8. The trip to TCBY
  9. Bath time- the ducky would "get him" and he would laugh so hard!.
  10. Hugging my neck while playing chase and whispering in his little language "I luv you gigi"
Thank you Jesus for my grandson.  Bless him, may he be a man who loves you and desires above all else to serve You.  amen

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