Thursday, April 28, 2011

Miracles in the midst of the storm

Why do I think sometimes God uses miracles and sometimes withholds them?   Because He knows the one He has created, all our faults and weaknesses and He loves us.   If He allowed miraculous events to take place through some of us, it would become all about us and not about Him.  God almighty will not share his glory with anyone. 
When we were in India the first time, Steve wanted so badly to see a  miraculous healing take place.  But instead God sent us to pray for believers with no immediate results, until one night in the most remotest village a man had a seizure.  The Indian pastors wouldn't even touch him, they thought putting a set of keys in his hands would heal him, so Steve prayed for him and he was able to relax.   He says to this day he has not had another seizure.  God taught Steve in that moment that He is still able to miraculously heal, but He didn't want our trip to be about miracles but about showing the people of India His love. 
Whether our Lord chooses to save us out of the storm or carry us through the storm or bring us home as a result of the storm, God does not change.  His love is always constant.
Bad things happen, it has been that way from Adam.
I remember back to when I was diagnoses with cancer.  I was totally devastated.  It was a level 5 melanoma on the inside of my right calf.  When my Doctor called to give me the news of the biopsy he cried.
I was young, with 3 small children.  Rachel was about 8, Alyssa 3 or 4 and Hunter was around 2 yrs old.  It was very bad news.  I had had that mole all my life but in the last year or so it had begun to change.  The Doctors in Ft. Worth were sure that by now it had spread.
In addition to this bad news we had no health insurance.  Our daughter Alyssa was born with a heart defect and had to have surgery when she was 18 months old.  We had insurance at that time but the medical bills piled up and my husband was in medical school.  After her recovery we were forced to make a decision.  We dropped all our insurance and placed Alyssa under the Easter Seal program.
I was sent to one of the doctors associated with the med school in Ft. Worth.  After reviewing our situation he refered me to another Doctor at MD Anderson in Houston.  I had to be accepted as a candiate for a study they were doing and I was.
My experience at MD Anderson was a mixed bag of emotions.  I saw the coldness of many who had obviously worked there way too long and the compassion of strangers who took me into their home and cared for me after my surgery so that I wouldn't have to travel back and forth or stay in a hotel..   (thank you once again to the Rice family)
To my doctors I was just another candidate in a long study.
While in recovery, my doctor came in to check on me and couldn't even remember what leg he had just operated on.  I was poked, looked at and discussed by every medical student there, with no regard to my personal feelings.  When it came time to have a pap smear my husband had to show the student how to do it.
I was mortified, and humiliated, scared, worried but always in Gods hands.
He had not abandoned me or forgotten me.  He carried me through it all. 
After I got back home I was placed under the care of yet another Doctor in Ft. Worth.  I was expecting the same cold treatment as I experienced a MD Anderson.  I was, however, happily wrong
When it was my turn to go back to have my blood drawn the women asked me my name, not my number. She held my hand for a moment and looked me in the eye.  She asked me about me, and about my family..  Then before she was about to draw the blood she asked me to look at a picture she had on the wall.
It was an amazing picture of the inside of a hurricane.  She told me her brother flies into hurricanes to check the pressure.  He snapped this picture of the very center.
Then she pointed to the center of the hurricane--remember this is inside the hurricane not above.
She asked me to tell her what I saw.
Tears weld up in my eyes as I saw very distinctly the clouds in the definite detailed form of a man in a white robe, and in his arms was a lamb.  You could see every detail...awesome.
She told me, reassured me.that day, that though we go through trials and storms, Jesus our savior is always there, in the midst of the storm, carrying us through it.
He will never leave us of forsake us.
He loves us, OH how He loves us!
Yes, He could have miraculously  healed me before going through all that.  Or He could have never allowed me to have  had cancer at all, but for my good and His glory, He chose to allow me that experience to prove His mercy, His grace, and improve my faith.
My God is faithful and just.

Oh the depth and riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!  How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways!  For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who became His counselor? Or who has given to Him that it might be paid back to Him again?  For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things.  To Him be the glory forever. Amen  ( Romans 11:33-36)

1 comment:

1ofHis said...

Wow. I had no idea you had gone through the journey of cancer. I thank God all the time for those people like that lady who comforted you. Thank you so much for sharing!