Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pride and Predjudice


A couple days ago, Steve was gone and I was watching one of my favorite chic flicks, Pride and Prejudice.  I love that movie!  I have a hard time with the book but I love the movie! I enjoy watching Miss Elizabeth as she grows from being proud, stubborn, and prejudice against the handsome Mr. Darcy  to allowing love to take hold of her.  Had she remained where she was she would never have had the blessings that finally came her way, a home of her own and a man who truly loves her.
We all have prejudices don't we? Mine may be a little different than yours, but we all have them.

As a teenager I had a terrible prejudice against all people from Mississippi.  While growing up in Dallas, my Dad was the head of the mission board at our church and my Mom loves to entertain, so consequently many Sunday afternoon meals included Missionaries and seminary students, many of those from other countries.  I was taught that its not what a person looks like its whats inside that counts.
Our next door neighbors had moved to Dallas from somewhere in Mississippi.  Their daughter and I were the same age and became very good friends.  I had other friends though as well.  One of those friends was a young man who went to the same Bible Study I attended on Thursday nights.  His name was James, and James just happened to be black.
One day James called and asked if I would like to go to the mall and get some ice cream and I love ice cream and shopping so of course I said yes.  When we got back to my house we stood out front and talk for a while before James left to go home.  When I walked in the door my Mom met me in the living-room visibly upset, so much so that she was shacking.  She didn't seem mad just worried.
"Do you think," she said, "that the next time James comes over, maybe he ought to come in through the back door?"     "WHAT!?" I replied  "What are you talking about?"  Then poor Mom confessed she had just received a phone call from a nosy neighbor who told her that if I was going to be receiving "THAT" kind of guest, in the South, they should come to the back door. ( My parents are Yankees).
Mom and I talked for a minute and she soon calmed down and realized what she was saying and that our neighbors anger had just upset her.
That night during my prayers I "TOLD" the Lord that I would do anything and go anywhere He wanted me except Mississippi!!!!
Don't ever TELL the Lord what He can and cannot do.
Here I am, smack dab in the middle of Mississippi!
How I got here is a long story but before you think I'm here to remove the speck from the eye of everyone in the state, let me tell you I have a plank in my own. 
First of all I have learned that not everyone here is like my old neighbor.  Yes, there are some, in fact at times I am shocked by what can come out of the mouths of some of the most prim and proper christian ladies, but Ive learned that its just a few like that. There are many loving caring people in this state.
I am learning not to be so judgmental.  I'm trying hard not to assume people are a certain way just because of where they live, who they might be related to, or what they did in the past.  Jesus changes people , that's  His job!.  Mine is to be obedient and love my neighbor as myself.  
The Lord works on his people in different ways at different times.  He didn't choose to give me a vision of a sheet coming down from heaven like He did with Peter in Acts 10.  He chose to move me.  To teach me over time that its not about me, it about what will bring glory to Him.
Steve and I were in Aztea having a little tex mex one night and struck up a conversation with a young man who works there.  We asked him why he left Acapulco to come here.  He said for work, a little money and to see beautiful senoritas.  What he said he has learned however, is that its really no different here than anywhere else.  Jobs are hard to find, money is tight, and there are some beautiful women and some ugly ones everywhere you go. 
People are people everywhere.
Im so glad the Lord did choose to move me to Mississippi.    It has taken me a while to really be able to say that.  Had I allowed my prejudices to win over obedience to Christ I would never have received the blessings He had planned.  I am now married to one of the sweetest, most loving men in the south.  He loves everyone, and will talk to anyone anywhere.  Had I remained where I was I would not have the wonderful life I have now and a man who truly loves me.
Thank you Jesus for laughing at me when I was 18 and for planning all along to move me to Mississippi.

1 comment:

1ofHis said...

Prejudice has always been a major barrier in leading people into God's kingdom. We, as Christians, tend to pick and choose who deserves our love and who deserves to hear the gospel. I've been guilty of saying things like,"there just lazy or they bring suffering on themselves etc." My prayer over the last couple of years has been, "Lord, give me your eyes." My prayer was inspired by a song, "Give Me Your Eyes" by Brandon Heath. Lord knows we are all undeserving of God's love. Thanks for sharing!