Friday, August 29, 2008


Here it is, the anniversary of Katrina and we are facing another possable hurricane. Last night Steve and I went and filled up all our cars with gas as well as a 55 gal drum. Today we are are going to check the generator and we also have gotton groceries, batteries and made sure we had lamp oil. I cleaned the horses water trough and secured all the gates. ( we were woke up this morning with Manassa and Splash munching on grass over by our car port....not where they should be!!! :) ) and filled the dogs water and their little pool. We will clean out our igloos and fill those as well with water. The laundry is done, the house is clean, and we are prepared for Gusov.
WE dont know if, where or when it will come but we know its out there and we want to be prepared.
How much more should we be prepared to hear from God? Are you in a position to listen? An attitude of worship? Are you prepared for Him? A heart open to recieve and believe?
Join us as we learn together to prepare and position ourselved to Hear from God . Beginning Sept 9th at 12:00 noon the ladies lunch time Bible Study will be doing Pricillas Shires study " He Speaks to Me" Dont miss it!

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