Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Spring has finally arrived in South Mississippi! For some people that may not be unusal but for us, spring usually gets here much sooner than the end of march.

My tulips have even bloomed. Its my first time to plant them and I thought the snow and all that cold weather had killed them. The pear trees have been in bloom for about a week and now as the wind blows, their blooms are flying across the yard and look sooo pretty, its like a spring snow!

Tomorrow Im going into town to purchase plants for a garden. Im trying a raised bed this year. Wish me luck. I still havent quite figured out Mississippi soil. ( Too wet, too dry, too many bugs ????????)

Ok I need to go get to work and get off the computer. Im still working on the womens conference for India, which by the way we have moved up to May instead of June. Im only on charpter 2 of Esther. pray for me

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

what Ive been doing

I had a wonderful time last week careing for Gareth ( my grandson ) and visiting Rachel and Justin in DC. they took Gareth out of daycare for the week so for Monday and Tuesday I had him all to myself. Justin stayed home on Wed. to take him to the doctors. Gareth has been diagnosed with Juvenile xanthogranuloma. PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM , .

He was on steroids all week which just added to the fun .! :)

Actually I had a great time and even was able to teach him how to clap,sing (sortof) and say Gigi. Rachel was home Thursday-saturday but because of Gareths schedual we were unable to get in much shopping. I enjoyed just hanging out with them at the house though.

After another delayed flight Imade it home and am now taking care for Alyssa's dogs while she and Bo are in India. I have come to the conclusion I never want a weimerimer. Alyssa and Bo, I love you, but your dogs a maniac!

Friday Im going to Fairhope with some friends for the day. I am soooo looking forward to that.
......telling to the generations to come the praises of the Lord and His strength and His wonderful works that He has done. psalms 78:4

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

revearsal of destiny

I love how God fits things together and weaves our lives. Nothing right now seems coincidental or ordinary.
When I was trying to decide months ago on what to teach in India I wanted to teach from1 john 1:1-2 but I felt the Lord telling me no I want you to teach from the book of Esther. So when the Bible study group I am part of in Hattiesburg told me we were doing Beth Moores Esther I was thrilled .
To make a long story short.....today I finished the last homework lesson in her Esther workbook. Near the end of that lesson she shows us in Acts 2 how the new believers were from the areas of Susa....the Jews of Esthers land. And then over in the margin she pulls a verse to connect it all 1 Jn 1 :1-2. You would have to read the whole lesson to understand and I dont have time right now to go through it with you. But I just had to stop and cry. I love my savior!!!

She asked a question : What have you savored most about our nine week journey?
I wrote, " God has reversed our destiny on the cross.!! Oh the marvelous ways of God our savior. Who takes the UNLIKELY and uses them for His glory. How marvelous is His name in all the earth!"