It has been a long while since I last posted a blog other than the Secret church promo. so much has happened.
Hunter is settled in at Nyack and loving it! He lives in boarding house type place with friends of Nikki's family and works at Panara Bread Company. As I said he loves it there. He was accepted into the college choir and loves going into the city or doing anything at all as long as it is with Nikki. Sadly though we will not see him or Rachel and Justin for Thanksgiving. :(
We have canceled the winter trip to India for many reasons. They had so much flooding over there and damage from the cyclones that right now they need financial help more than they need us to come in person. Also Jeff, Steves brother, is now number 7 on the liver donor list and we hope to get a call any time in the next few months to rush him to Birmingham. Keep him in your prayers. He has had hyp C most of his life from a blood transfusion as a child.
We are planning on going to India in June though so all of ya'll start planning!!!! We would love for you to come with us.
Gareth Drake Brightbill entered our lives in July and he is a joy!!!!!! Pictures will be in the next post as I am not on my own computer right now. I got to be there when he was born and stayed for 3 weeks after. He is the best baby ever! :) Rachel was able to stay home with him for 12 weeks but started back to work this week full time. It sounds like they choose a good daycare and Justin is off on Fridays so he only goes 4 days a week.
Steve picked me up and after "bonding" for a couple days with Gareth we drove to Pa Amish country and enjoyed 2 days there. We stayed with my dads cousin and his wife, John and Elsie Bush. John works with Wycliffe there in the Lancaster area.
From there we went to Ny to see Hunter and I got to go to the city for the first time. We attended Time Square church, which was great, and then walked around site seeing. We met some of Nikkis family and just has a wonderful time.
We came home and got back into the swing of things. Work, prison outreach and Ladies Bible study etc....
Then last week Emery Ann Gray entered the world. Steve and I were able to drive up tp Birmingham for the day and got there one hour before delivery. We stayed until momma Kelly just couldnt take anymore visitors and reluctantly came home. Again, more pictures later.
Alyssa and Bo continue to work hard. Alyssa with her dance studio and Bo with seminary and Best buy. They have a new addition as well, a weimerimer names Spurgeon. I havent met him yet. They are coming for dinner Sunday , maybe then?
Well I think that about does it for catching up.
bye bye
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