Friday, March 4, 2011

The Gospel of Christ is EVERYTHING

Before time- there was God-He created the universe and us, mankind, with a plan and a purpose.
It was no surprise to Him that we would fail.
But in His mercy, He loves us, and made a way for sinful man to be in the presence of a Holy God forever!
Someone had to pay the price.
Someone had to be punished for the sins of the world.
And it had to be someone who had done no wrong.  If it could be anyone, sinful man, it would not be an offering, or sacrifice at all, but merely payment due for that one persons debt.
Because we all sin, and fall short of Gods Glory, we fall short of His Holiness.
So it had to be a perfect sinless human.
Yet, no-one was found in all the earth who was not sinful.
So God in His mercy, sacrificed Himself.  Sending a part of Himself, yet all of Himself, in the form of a man, Jesus.
And so, Jesus came.  He lived among us, suffered and struggled in a human body as we do, yet without sin.
He taught us the mysteries of the kingdom of God.  And when it was Gods time, He offered Himself up as a sacrifice, the perfect lamb, slain for the sins of the world.
                                              He died on the cross
                                              for you  and for me
                                             once-for all.
The Messiah

And, to the Glory of God, as He and scripture predicted, He rose from the grave!

Now, He stands at the right hand of God the Father, interceding on our behalf.
He offers to all mankind the free gift of eternal life to anyone who will simply believe!
Believe that He is who He says He is and did what He said He would do.
Just believe-and you will be saved! 
Once-and for all.
The free gift of the grace of God.
And to every believer is given the spirit of God, at the moment of salvation, to be with us, comfort, guide, instruct, admonish, and seal us in Him for all eternity.
                                    The victory is won!

Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence if His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever, Amen.
(Jude 24-25) 

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