Thursday, March 10, 2011

Words of Encouragement

Has anyone ever just said one thing to you and it changed your life?
One word of encouragement or perhaps, one word of destruction?

Our words are powerful tools.  With the words that flow from our mouths we can be a Timothy or Epaphroditus
( Philippians 2:19-30) men who's love shows, or we can be a small flame of destruction, setting an entire forest on fire. ( James 3:5)

Today I am remembering a very sweet women.  I had the honor of serving under her for a very short time but in that short time she changed the direction of my life.
Her name is Gini Hoehner.
We were working together in our church back in the early 80"s with Pioneer Girls.
I admired her!  You could just "see" Jesus in her!
I respected her and would do anything she asked of me because I could tell she walks with God.

One evening, during class, she asked me to explain something to the girls or teach them something,, I don't
even remember  what it was.  As soon as I finished though she took me by the arm and pulled me aside where no-one else could hear.  I didn't know what she was about to say or do.
In her sweet, kind way she said "Cheryl, God has given you a very special gift.  He has given you the ability to explain things in such a simple way, that anyone can understand."
  Now to someone else that may not sound significant but for me it was the right words at just the right time.
From then on, the Lord gave me a passion to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with children.  I spent the next 21 years of my life devoted to that tell as many children as I could about Jesus.

As I have gotten older, I'm not around children as much as I use to be but I still have that desire to make sure every child knows Jesus loves them.
Mrs. Hoehner probably never realized what an impact those words would have.  I moved away shortly after that and I have not had the opportunity to speak with her since.
But today I want to say Thank you to Mrs. Gini Hoehner, who's sweet words of encouragement made all the difference.

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