Monday, March 28, 2011

Where Clouds Come From.....or ...The Pea People

This is the 2nd story out of the three that I wrote down about Hunter when he was 4 years old.  For those of you reading this who don't know who Hunter is , he is my son, now 21 years old.  He has always had a great imagination.  This story he "lived out" on the way to church one morning but later that day he told me what he had been imagining,  I recorded it then wrote it down.

   On the road that leads from Hunters home on the bay to the big city, there are many factories.  These factories give off horrible odors and fill the air with smoke.  Hunter was sitting in the back seat of his, so called, "limo" one foggy Sunday morning on his way to Church.  His driver, a man with glasses who calls himself "Dad", said something about these odors, obviously not liking them.
  Hunter pondered these things in his huge brain and looked out the window.  These factories didn't seem so bad to him.  Then suddenly the sky turned all pink and rosy.  The factories changed shape and became a beautiful shiny gold machine!
   Hunter called for his driver to stop.  He got out of the limo and walked down to these pure gold machines.  The doors opened automatically for him like the doors at the grocery store.  The men inside bowed down low as Hunter walked down a long narrow hallway.  The walls were lit up by  a thousand pink lights that made the gold walls gleam.  He turned a corner and went through a pair of massive doors opened by two soldiers in bright red uniforms and fuzzy white hats.  The room was filled with one very long table where dozens of other 4 year old boys sat in chairs too large for them.  Hunter took his place at the head of the table , for this was his machine!
   "What is the meaning of this?!" Hunter yelled, smashing his fist to the table. "Why are my cloud machines making the air smell?"  He began to pace around the table with his hands behind his back.  "How can this be?  When God asked me to make clouds for him he never said make them stink!  Who is responsible for this?"  Hunter stopped suddenly and again rammed his fist to the table.  Every boy jumped out of his seat and down again, the force of the blow was so great.  No-one said a word, Batman was playing on the overhead T.V. and even Hunter was drawn to it for a moment.  When the show was over, however, Hunter asked the big lady in the corner to turn it off so they could get back to business..
"What is making our clouds stink?" Hunter asked again.  "God will not be happy.  What will happen when it rains?"  This brought the other boys to their senses for they then realized that if the rain smells bad they could not put on their Barney Raincoats and play out in it.  Something had to be done!  They must find the cause.
   One boy named Peavey jumped up in his chair in his uniform of Turtle underwear and yelled, "Lets become firemen and climb tall ladders to where the clouds come out and see what we can find."    A cheer went up from the crowd "Lets do it men!!" cheered Hunter. 
   Suddenly they were all wearing yellow slickers and bright red firemen hats with black boots.  They ran from the room carrying a long ladder over their heads.  Down the hallway they raced until they came to the first cloud stack.  "Who will go up first?"  Hunter asked.  " I will" said Peavey  "This was my idea".  "Hurray !" they all shouted and up the ladder Peavey went.  He peered over into the machine but the awful stench knocked him off his feet and he fell off the ladder.  Down , down he fell, until a boy named Brian turned himself into superman and flew up to catch Peavey.  Again there was a cheer.  "Hurray for Brian!"  Then a hush fell over them.  "What will we do now?" choked Peavey.  "It smells so bad!  It smells!!!!"
"AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" they all screamed.  "We must get to the bottom of this" said Hunter. 
    Just then another boy named Micah said. "Lets become spy's and search through the whole machine." At this great idea they all transformed into trench coats and wool hats.  Each boy was given a special watch phone  so they could each order their own pizza for the celebration afterward.  Away they raced.  "Charge!" they shouted.
   They came into a big room filled with conveyor belts and other gold, small machines.  These small machines were being run by tiny elves, all except one.
At the end of the longest conveyor belt sat an old women.  Everyone called her Grandma.
The boys watched carefully, hidden behind a bunch of boxes.  Then Hunter saw what was making the awful smell.  Grandma was mashing peas into pea soup and pouring them onto the conveyor belt.  That belt went right up into the cloud stack.
   Grandma must be stopped, but how?  " I have a plan", whispered Hunter.  "We will change back into little boys in our underwear, and we shall run around Grandma in circles and yell until she can stand  it no longer.  Then she will stop and say "Lets go to McDonald's!" and we will never have smelly clouds again."
   The plan worked and the boys got to go to McDonald's.  Hunter was a hero, and God was happy too.
    Suddenly Hunter was back in the van/limo with his family on his way to Church.  Dad asked " What are you doing Hunter?"  Hunter couldn't possibly put into a few words all that he had just done , so he said,"those aren't stinky factories, those are cloud machines and they are making clouds for God".
Mom and Dad smiled and drove on.

1 comment:

1ofHis said...

Haley is going to love hearing this.She hates english peas. I took the advice of someone and made her try at least one bite. She tried one pea and threw up.